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by Vaikunthan Rajaratnam -
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The current demand of doctors apart from the clinical challenges includes knowledge and skills in efficient management of limited resources. Unfortunately the undergraduate medical education does not provide any form of education or skills in modern management in medicine. The GMC has recently produced this statement as part of good medical practice.
“All practising doctors are responsible for the use of resources; many will also lead teams or be involved in the supervision of colleagues; and most will work in managed systems, whether in the NHS or in the independent, military, prison or other sectors. Doctors have responsibilities to their patients, employers and those who contract their services. This means that doctors are both managers and are managed” Feb 2006 Management for Doctors. GMC booklet.

Currently available MBA degrees for clinicians have been generic business type content and very commercial in nature and has little clinically applicable programs.
This unique program is produced with doctors in mind using an action learning principles and work based learning framework. It provides an opportunity for the doctor to acquire knowledge and skills of a manager in a clinical setting and each module will require the candidate to do reflective learning in their own environment,
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