Optional List (Module Numbers)
9. IT for doctors
10. Innovation in Medicine
11. Coping with change in the clinical environment
12. Managing clinical risk and negligence
13. Managing a clinical project
14. Clinical Governance
15. The learning and teaching clinician
16. Advance clinical research and writing methods 
17. Managing clinical Quality
18. Understanding the culture of your national and local health organization

Health Professional Education Module

"Effective teaching encompasses more than just the transmission of subject matter, however. Excellent teaching, first of all, gains the students' attention and convinces them of the importance of what is being taught and learned. It goes on to communicate not only information and concepts but to develop powers of analysis, synthesis, judgment, and evaluation, all in a context of considered values. When teaching has truly succeeded, students leave with an ability to learn, question, and commit on their own."



IT For Doctors